Hardwood Floor Cupping – Crawlspace Moisture Problems

Hardwood Floor Cupping Problems? Elevated Crawl Space Moisture Problems … With the passing of Spring break, and the upcoming Easter weekend, days become longer and temperatures rise. Weather patterns change to a more sub-tropical feel. Dew point levels increase. It is the start of the condensation season inside North Carolina crawl spaces. Crawl Space […]
Crawl Space Misdiagnosis – Customer Overcharged by Thousands for Unneeded Services

LOCAL CRAWL SPACE SCIENCE COMPANIES MISDIAGNOSE SYMPTOMS AND ATTEMPT TO OVERCHARGE CUSTOMERS FOR UNNEEDED SERVICES IN NORTH CAROLINA. (PART 1) I recently visited a customer in the Triad market that had some unique challenges to overcome with her crawl space. This customer had spent a fortune with a contractor waterproofing her basement and encapsulating […]