Hardwood Floor Cupping – Crawlspace Moisture Problems


Hardwood Floor Cupping Problems? Elevated Crawl Space Moisture Problems …

With the passing of Spring break, and the upcoming Easter weekend, days become longer and temperatures rise. Weather patterns change to a more sub-tropical feel. Dew point levels increase. It is the start of the condensation season inside North Carolina crawl spaces. Crawl Space construction is the most common construction type in the Southeastern United States. Many of these crawl spaces contain HVAC duct work that service the ...

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Encapsulation vs. Ventilation – When is the best time of the year to install a crawl space moisture control system?

When is the best time of the year to install a crawl space moisture control system?

Good afternoon
Michael Masserang here again and I’m here with Billy Mitchell and he is the owner of Intellivent and we’re continuing our series today on Encapsulation versus Ventilation and we’re going to talk a little bit about installation time as in reference to when is the best time of the year to install one of these types of systems.

Being ...

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Crawl Space Ventilation

It’s springtime! Condensation Problems and odors will soon be an

issue in Charlotte NC Crawl Spaces. Don’t Encapsulate, Ventilate!


Crawl space ventilation – Crawl spaces need dry air and proper ventilation. The goal of the Atmox System is to reduce moisture and humidity level in your crawl space to avoid many of the crawl space challenges that homeowners experience.

The basic principle if how the system works is to ventilate the space with fresh dry air from the outside only when it will improve the ...

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